Ready for another directory store?
EmpowerID is excited to announce new capabilities for managing identities and groups in Amazon's Simple AD! This off premise directory from Amazon can be managed using the EmpowerID robust connector framework with features like:
- Scheduled inventory to see what is out in Amazon's Simple AD
- Automated User Account Provisioning using EmpowerID RBAC and ABAC rules
- Full Audit control
- Full Attestation and Certification
- Ties into our unique AWS Server management capabilities
Let's take a deeper dive into the solution and see what accounts are out in our Amazon Simple AD tenant
Found the account we want to work on? Let's dive a little deeper and add them into a group up in AWS
Let's review the group changes for the user below
And since we are talking Enterprise Controls, let's track down that change. Who did it, when did it happen and what changed
As you can see, EmpowerID continues to lead the IAM marketplace with innovative features not found anywhere else. When it comes to identities, roles and groups in Active Directory, SQL, Amazon AWS, Azure or anything else we have the right tools for the job.
Contact us today for a discussion on how we can help you manage identities in Amazon's Simple AD or anywhere else.